Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

The Impact of Regulating Food in Schools
Do laws regarding vending machines and fast food carts in schools make a difference in whether teens gain weight? That's what a group of researchers sought to find out.
Seniors Unlikely to Change
Healthy lifestyle changes after being diagnosed with a serious illness can improve quality of life. But, people over 50 are more prone to keep doing the same old thing.
Weight Gain After Quitting
Not everyone gains weight when they quit smoking but, unfortunately, about 84 percent do. Making the effort to not overeat for the first few months after quitting could help.
Overweight Pregnancy Affects Baby Growth
Being obese and pregnant can carry a range of risks to the mother during pregnancy, but it also has consequences for her baby, in the short-term and the long-term.
Tips to Start Running
The Olympics can inspire people to start running. But first follow a few key health and safety tips to keep from getting hurt.
Want Good Health? Tell the Truth
People tend to lie far more than they realize, even about relatively insignificant things, according to psychological research. But these lies may contribute to poorer overall health.
Sports for Brain Power
Find the Olympic Games inspiring? Certain Olympic sports may provide added brain health benefits beyond entertainment.
Surgery May Cut Diabetic Heart Risk
Weight loss surgery has been shown to be an excellent treatment for obese people with diabetes. Since diabetes can raise the risk of heart disease, it is important to know the heart risks of weight loss surgery.
High-Fiber Diets Not Good for the Gut?
While a high-fiber diet may ease constipation, it might not be a cure for a common colon condition called diverticulosis. In fact, having more bowel movements could worsen the problem.
Diabetes Ups Risk After Joint Surgery
A hip or knee replacement may rid you of your arthritis pain. But you may also run the risk of infection after surgery.