Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

Obesity May Speed-Up Cognitive Decline
Keeping a healthy weight has many benefits. Recent research suggests that it may also help keep memory sharp as you age. A recent study looked at people’s weight and other health problems, like high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
If Mama is Snoring...
Just as snoring is associated more often with men than women, so is sleep apnea. Since snoring and sleep apnea are related, does that mean women don't get sleep apnea as frequently?
Yo-Yo Dieters
Many women lose or gain 10-20 lbs. several times in their life. The good news is that yo-yo dieting does not prevent women from being successful with diets later in life.
Do Children Become What They Eat?
Looking forward to another fight with your toddler over what they'll eat for dinner? Take heart - the fight is worth it for your child’s smarts down the line.
Mid-Season Shoulder Injuries
Is it better to do a quick fix or long-term solution when it comes to shoulder injuries? Doctors said it depends on the bigger picture.
Leisure Activities Keep Heart Healthy
Simple everyday activities such as cleaning your house, gardening or biking may just give your heart a boost. When these physical activities are performed for more than a decade, enhanced heart health is the result.
Big Mama, Big Babies, More Complications
Being overweight or obese during pregnancy can put women at a higher risk for gestational diabetes, which increases the risk of birth complications.
Can Thinking You’re Fat Make You Fat?
There may be something to the saying ‘ think thin ’. Misperceptions of being overweight may cause unhealthy dieting practices that result in weight gain.
Popcorn, Factory Workers and Dementia?
Beta amyloid is linked to brain cell death in Alzheimer’s disease. And recent lab studies found that a common food chemical may enhance its harmful effects.
Chocolate for Helping Memory
Flavanols are found in red wine, coffee, tea and chocolate. Who would have thought these treats could have a positive affect on brain function and heart health.