Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

New Weight Loss Drug on Market
The second weight loss drug in a month has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration today. Qsymia can now be prescribed for obese and some overweight adults.
Fast Food Boosts Diabetes and Heart Risk
The plus side of fast food is in the name: it's fast. Grabbing a drive-thru hamburger may be cheap and easy, but too much fast food can be harmful.
Missy Franklin: Young & Fast
Four years ago, Missy Franklin tried out for the U.S. Olympic team at the age of 13. She didn’t make the team in 2008 but even qualifying for the Olympic trials at 13 was an impressive feat.
Links Between Child Abuse and Obesity
It's not uncommon to find that psychological and physical conditions are entwined. This can especially occur with different types of trauma or abuse.
Oscar Pistorius Named Future Olympian
Double amputee Oscar Pistorius  was selected for the South African Olympic track team. The challenges that his prosthetics would provide an unfair racing advantage have been overturned.
Cut Out Sugars to Stop Diabetes
Eating a high-sugar, high-calorie diet can increase your weight and boost your risk of diseases like diabetes. In turn, cutting calories from your diet can protect you from such diseases.
Try Cow Face…For Your Mental Health
Rabbit, Crane, Frog, Cobra, Eagle, One-Legged King Pigeon, Crow, Tortoise, Peacock, Locust, Camel, Scorpion… Okay, so it sounds like the zoo. But it's good for your mind and muscles.
Obese Moms May Deprive Babies of Iron
Research is uncovering more and more about possible health risks to babies if their mothers are obese during pregnancy. Another one for the list: being born with low iron levels.
Omega-3 Oils Keep the Swelling Down
Inflammation occurs with many chronic and acute diseases. Fish oil, a source of omega-3 fatty acids, may help curb this painful symptom.
Sunlight Produces a Healthy Weight
Vitamin D plays a central role in keeping people healthy. Learning about the metabolic effects of this vitamin may help older women maintain a healthy body weight.