Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

How Often Should Your Kid Eat?
It would seem intuitive that the more often you eat, the more you eat. However, it doesn't always work out that way – children and teenagers included.
Mind and Body Power For Older Adults
The power of the mind can do a number on the body. When elderly adults keep the body sharp as well, the brain can stay at its best.
Less Salt, More Potassium for Heart Health
Put down that saltshaker—it could save your life. Growing evidence shows cutting back on salt consumption reduces blood pressure and, in turn, the risk of stroke and heart disease.
Smoking Away a Healthy Smile
Of course good oral hygiene is key in preventing tooth loss, but other lifestyle factors are important too. Healthy teeth may reflect healthy lifestyle choices.
Kids' Tummy Fat Makes for Weaker Bones
Being "big boned" as a kid is one thing. But having big bones doesn't mean the bones are strong and dense.
Progress Still to be Made in Kid's Diets
Childhood obesity has become a big problem in the US during the past three decades. Efforts have been made to improve the situation and identify problem areas in children's diets, but has this led to any progress?
Obesity Prevention Starts in Babyhood
Childhood obesity continues to be a growing health issue in the US and across the world. Children's risk of becoming obese may start from their earliest days on earth.
Fat vs. Fiber in Breathing Flow
Allergies, sports, cold and a number of conditions can stir up problems for people with asthma. A fatty diet with little fiber may add to the problems.
Heartburn Meds for Any Size
Heavier set individuals are more likely to have acid reflux. But it is unclear whether reflux medicines are enough to stop heartburn and other symptoms in the overweight and obese.
Sunlight's Vitamin for Heavy Teens
In recent decades, obesity rates among children and teens have skyrocketed, putting many young people at risk of diabetes. Research has suggested that a lack of vitamin D may play a role in this risk.