Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center
Energy Drinks Get Your Heart Pumping
Most people down energy drinks if they want an extra boost. Yet that extra energy boost may translate into small boosts in blood pressure too.
Live Longer, Avoid Accidents
The top causes of death in the US for people under 50 are not from disease. Extra caution while driving, saying no to drugs and leading a healthy lifestyle could go a long way to keep a person alive.
Sugary Drinks Adding Up Deaths
More researchers are focusing on the health effects of drinking sugar-sweetened drinks. They are finding obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease are linked to excess sugar consumption.
Lifestyle Linked to RA
While the exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis remains unknown, scientists are getting a better idea of what puts people at risk for this painful disease. It seems lifestyle may have a lot to do with that risk.
Skim Milk May Not Do a Kid's Body Better
Doctors often recommend that preschoolers drink skim milk to reduce their overall calorie intake. But it turns out lower fat milk may not help reduce the risk of obesity.
Heart Healthy and Cancer Free
Cancer doesn’t just show up on your doorstep one day. It takes years to develop. That’s why a healthy lifestyle – over time – makes such a difference.
Obesity Breaks Young Female Hearts
When body mass index is high, so is the likelihood of heart attack or stroke. Obesity, however, isn’t just an older person’s problem. The threat extends to individuals who are much younger.
Kids' Extra Calories Come From Sodas
Much debate has centered on how much soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages might be contributing to obesity. Among children, the calories are adding up.
Coffee, Tea or Stroke?
Enjoy coffee or green tea in the morning? Now you may have more reason to pour a cup. Although there are still conflicting opinions, a huge study found these beverages may be stroke reducers.
Skip the Bacon and Sausage
Bacon is almost a staple in the American diet. But in Europe, consuming the juicy goodness along with other processed meats could lead to an early death.