Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

Bedroom TVs Predicted Youth Weight Gain
By the time they reach adolescence, many children have a television in their bedroom. These bedroom TVs might reveal something about their weight.
Eating for Two Not Wise for Either
Whether it's pickles and ice cream or Hot Cheetos dipped in ranch, pregnant women often experience bizarre food cravings. But the real secret to healthy weight gain is not "eating for two."
Birth Control and Obesity Linked to MS
It's not clear what causes multiple sclerosis (MS), an immune disorder that is typically diagnosed between ages 20 to 40. But researchers are seeking more clues.
Healthy Diet for Breast Cancer Survivors Increased Survival
A woman diagnosed with breast cancer has a 90 percent chance of surviving five years, but long-term survival depends on many factors. A healthy diet may be one of those factors.
Stalled Progress in Obesity Battle
Getting people to trim down is one of the most urgent disease-fighting and overall good health goals of our times. With only limited progress on that front, the weight loss battle continues.
Vitamin D May Bolster Immune System
Sometimes called the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D may play an important role in keeping older adults healthy, according to one new study.
Meatless Diet May Lower Blood Pressure
While lean meats like chicken can serve as a great source of protein in the diet, there may be some benefits to going meatless — particularly for blood pressure.
Vegan Low Carb Diet Good for the Heart
Low carbohydrate diets can reduce weight while diets rich in vegetable protein and oils improve heart health. Combining both diets might also combine the benefits.
More Activity Tied to Less Pain in Kids with Arthritis
For kids with arthritis, painful joints can limit activity. Trying to sort out the relationship between pain and activity in these kids could mean better therapies and quality of life.
Standing Up to Fend Off Disability
"A body in motion remains in motion" is especially true for people over 60. A new study has found a link between time spent sitting each day and disability, even for people who exercise.