Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center
The Walk to Good Health
Take one step forward, two steps back. Take 6,000 steps forward and forget going back, especially when it comes to women's health.
More Visits, More Weight Lost
Stapling the stomach can help with weight loss. Those who check up with their doctor more often after surgery tend to lose even more.
Bigger Kids' Waistline Tied to Skin Problem
Across the globe, kids with chronic itchy skin problems may have to deal with their pant sizes as well. New research shows the growing link between the red, flaky patches in psoriasis and bigger waistlines among children.
Keeping Active to Slow Alzheimer’s
An active lifestyle can keep you healthy. Staying active may also slow the loss of brain tissue that is linked to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A recent study presented at conference found that the more calories elderly people burned doing physical activities, like yard work, the fewer brain cells they lost.
Bigger, Badder Tooth From Poverty
Keeping your teeth healthy is hard to do, especially when poverty is a factor. And for kids growing up in hard economic times, keeping the entire body healthy is a real challenge.
Pediatricians Warn of Pesticide Exposure
Residues from pesticides are all around us: in the air, in our food, in dust, in soil. Whether used in farming or in homes, these chemicals can affect children exposed to them.
A Bone to Pick with Sitting Still
Being active has always been good for the bones of the young and old alike. But how does sitting still affect bones in kiddos? Teens are more likely to have lower bone mineral levels in parts of the body where they sit sedentary for long periods of time, a new study has found.
Vitamin D and Genes Play Nice Together
Vitamin D has been linked to many aspects of health, like bone health, heart health and memory. So, researchers looked to see which genes affect the link between vitamin D and health.
Exercise Helps Control Type 1 Diabetes
When it comes to controlling type 2 diabetes, exercise plays a crucial role. Even resistance exercise like weightlifting can lower blood sugar levels. Now it seems resistance exercise may also be good in type 1 diabetes.
How Can My DNA and Wine Battle Cancer?
Grapes and red wine are being studied all over the world for their health benefits. The link may come from red wine’s ability to boost an existing cancer fighting gene.