Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

Best Surgeries for Diabetes
In study after study, weight loss surgery has reversed diabetes' impact on the body. But there are many kinds of weight loss surgery to choose from. So which ones work best?
Timing Matters in Diabetes
Obesity is the leading cause of diabetes worldwide. And whether you are young or old, being obese can boost your chances of developing diabetes.
Heart Healthy Diet Beats Meds
Medication for high blood pressure and high cholesterol don’t nullify the need for a healthy diet. Patients taking cardiovascular medication still need to eat well and exercise.
Schedule Exercise for Your Diabetes
Exercise plays a key role in any diabetes patient's effort to control blood sugar levels. Still, questions remain about the type, intensity and amount of exercise that is best for people with diabetes.
Cut That Gut?
Opting for a smaller stomach can bring some good. For those with type II diabetes, going under the knife can bring a lot of good, almost to the point of a full cure.
Pork: What's in Your Dinner?
We all remember the tagline to the long-running ad campaign for pork. “Pork. It's What's For Dinner.” But what exactly is in your pork?
Knee-d to Exercise
It's a balance to keep knees strong. The key is neither too much exercise nor too little.
Underdog to Exercise Harder
Having a healthy rivalry is good. That edge is just the push to help people work out longer and harder.
Mind - Body Uplifted After Exercise
Exercise can play a key role in the treatment of osteoarthritis. However, the benefits of exercise may depend on a patient's physical and mental state.
Colon, Age and Alcohol Don't Mix
If you drink alcohol and are over 50, there's more reason to get the pipes checked out, even if you feel fine. A new study found that drinking alcohol increases the chance of developing diverticulosis in the colon.