Health News

Did the Ice Bucket Challenge Actually Help?
Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge? Most people do. But did it actually change anything?
C-Reactive Protein and Antidepressants
Levels of a particular protein in the blood of people with depression may predict how well antidepressants will work.
FDA Proposes Update for Food Labels
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing an update to what can be listed as "healthy."
Flu Season Is Here: Don't Fall for Scam Products
Flu season is here to stay for the next few months. Here's how to protect you and your family.
Probiotics 101
You've heard about the importance of having a "healthy gut." You might've even heard about probiotics. But what is the real story on these so-called "healthy" bacteria?
Youth E-Cig Use Remains High
Millions of kids and teens in the United States use electronic cigarettes, according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Whooping Cough Vaccine Gets Green Light
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a vaccine to protect newborns from whooping cough.
How Sleep Affects Your Heart
How well you sleep may have an impact on how healthy your heart is.
Monkeypox Update: 10/10/22
Total monkeypox case numbers continue to climb, but the rate of new infections may be slowing down.
Preventing Pregnancy-Related Deaths
The vast majority of pregnancy-related deaths are preventable, according to new data.