Health News

Former Vice President Daughter Dies of Brain Cancer
She grew up in the spotlight, the daughter of a U.S. Senator and later the Vice President of the United States, Walter Mondale . It seemed natural that Eleanor Mondale would seek her own spotlight in broadcasting.
Dementia Cases Going Undiagnosed
As many as 36 million worldwide are suffering from some type of dementia, yet about three quarters of them have not been diagnosed, partly because it is often falsely considered a normal part of aging.
Fan or Fanatic?
Feel like your significant other is spending more time watching football or messing around with their fantasy team? They might have a sports addiction – it’s real and can be cured.
Unexpected X-ray Activated Cancer Therapy
A funny thing happened on the way to imaging a compound. The very method used to look at this new substance turned out to produce a potential new anticancer therapy.
Get to Know the Early Signs of a "Silent Killer"
There are no reliable screenings for ovarian cancer, a deadly form of the disease that can strike at any time in a woman's life. That's why knowing the warning signs is so important.
Shield From Stroke by Eating Apples and Pears
New research suggests stroke prevention may be easier than you think. Eating a pear or apple every day may help lower your risk of stroke by 52 percent.
ADHD Doubles the Risk of Injury for Schoolchildren
Serious injuries are serious business among children; they are the leading cause of death among American youth, killing more 11-year-old kids in the United States than all other causes combined.
Cancer: a Clear Threat to Women Around the World
The number of breast cancer cases has been declining in the United States for a number of years now. Unfortunately, just the opposite is happening around the world.
Surprise Finding Regarding Pancreatic Cancer
This is a tad technical, but provides important scientific insight. Scientists have been surprised that the absence of a gene that normally drives cancer growth can also block the growth of pancreatic cancer.
Insulin Nose Spray May Slow Alzheimer's Progression
A surprising therapy may help slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Using a daily insulin nasal spray may curb symptoms and even improve cognition and function for those with the neurodegenerative disease.