Tobacco AddictionInfo Center

Millions of Americans Still Smoke
Although the United States saw a decrease in the number of smokers in recent years, 38 million Americans still hadn't kicked the habit, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Veterans and Tobacco Use
Military veterans may be more likely to use tobacco than most other groups, according to a new study.

The Harm One Cigarette Can Do
Trying even one cigarette may lead to daily smoking, according to a new study.

The Power of New Year's Resolutions
Don't give up yet. Those healthy New Year's resolutions may help you reduce your cancer risk, according to the authors of a new study.
Teens and Substance Use
There's good news and bad news about how adolescents in the United States are using substances like nicotine, marijuana and opioids.
E-Cigs May Be a Gateway to Tobacco
Electronic cigarette use in high school may lead to tobacco cigarette use later on, according to a new study.
Stroke Risk Factors: A Growing Threat
In spite of stroke-prevention efforts in recent years, stroke risk factors appear to be becoming more common, according to a new study.
Preventing Dementia
Various lifestyle changes and health interventions might theoretically prevent up to a third of dementia cases, according to a new report.
A Missed Opportunity After a Heart Attack
Many heart attack survivors may be missing out on an opportunity to quit smoking after they leave the hospital, a new study found.
Teens Turn Away from Tobacco
Between 2015 and 2016, the number of middle and high school students who said they used tobacco products dropped, according to a new report.