Parkinsons DiseaseInfo Center
Procedure May Lower Parkinson's Pain
Pain is a common symptom of Parkinson's disease, and for many patients, it's an everyday reality. A new procedure, however, could reduce this pain.
Cholesterol, Sugar Guidelines May Change
No cholesterol, yes cholesterol. No coffee, yes coffee. What to eat can get pretty confusing for the average eater. New recommendations may clear up some of that confusion.
Search Still on for Parkinson's Treatments
The search is still on to find effective treatments for Parkinson’s disease. While creatine appeared to be a promising treatment, it now looks like it may be a dud.
The Power of Positive Expectations with Parkinson’s
The mind can be a powerful healer. If patients believe a medication will work, it may boost their health. And new evidence may support this “placebo effect.”
FDA Approves New Parkinson's Treatment
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new treatment for Parkinson's disease, and it came three months ahead of schedule.
A Step Forward for Parkinson’s Patients
Some of the many health benefits of exercise may also apply to patients with Parkinson's. Parkinson's patients who exercise may have improved balance and mobility.
Parkinson’s Rx May Trigger Impulse Control Disorders
Dopamine receptor agonists are medicines used to treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Patients who take them, however, may find themselves having trouble with impulse control.
Migraines Associated With Parkinson’s
Migraines can make daily tasks a challenge. But people who get intense migraines may also face a heightened risk of Parkinson’s disease later in life.
Many With Parkinson’s Disease Sleep Poorly
People diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease often deal with tremors, stiffness and slow movement. They also may have more than their fair share of a more common complaint.
Walking Off Symptoms of Parkinson’s
Even simple forms of exercise can strengthen the body and mind. People with Parkinson’s disease may be among those who can benefit from a no-frills regimen of walking.