Neuromuscular DiseaseInfo Center
Procedure May Lower Parkinson's Pain
Pain is a common symptom of Parkinson's disease, and for many patients, it's an everyday reality. A new procedure, however, could reduce this pain.
These Medications Posed Risks for Dementia Patients
Treating and caring for patients with dementia is often difficult, and medications are seen as a way to help manage behavior. What happens when those medications may also pose health risks?
Back Pain and Testing: Getting the Whole Picture
Tests that let doctors look for clues inside the body may help solve medical conditions that cause back pain and other symptoms. However, balancing risks, benefits and costs for each procedure is the key to getting the best medical care.
How Your Gender Could Affect Your Brain Health
In the search for what causes and signals Alzheimer's disease, scientists have often looked to genes. New evidence, however, points to gender.
Breast Cancer Rx Might Prevent Early Menopause
It’s good news for young women who have had breast cancer treatment and still want a baby. A medication called goserelin may help prevent the ovarian failure often caused by chemotherapy.
New Help for Pain After Breast Cancer Surgery
Having breast cancer is difficult, and pain after breast cancer surgery can make it a double-whammy. A new technique, however, may offer relief.
Coffee Could Help Keep This Disease Away
The cause of multiple sclerosis (MS) is unknown, but new evidence suggests that coffee could lower your risk for it.
Knee Surgery? Watch out for Arthritis
The knees have it — arthritis, that is. Knee injuries that require surgery may lead to a raised risk of arthritis in the knee.
Cholesterol, Sugar Guidelines May Change
No cholesterol, yes cholesterol. No coffee, yes coffee. What to eat can get pretty confusing for the average eater. New recommendations may clear up some of that confusion.
MS Patients May Need More of These Nutrients
Women with multiple sclerosis may need to pay extra attention to what they eat to address a possible gap in their diets.