High CholesterolInfo Center
Blood Pressure Was Lower in Patients Who Visited Doctor More
High blood pressure may be about as common today as it was a decade ago, a new study found. But patients with high blood pressure who visited their doctor more often and who kept their high cholesterol in check were more likely to have lower blood pressure.
Not All Fats Created Equal
Fats are a necessary part of the diet. But choosing the wrong type of fat may be the difference between a harmless snack and an unhealthy choice for the heart.
Blood Fats May Raise Prostate Cancer Risk
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men, and cholesterol may promote its growth. Even after prostate surgery, those with high blood fat levels may have a greater risk of the cancer returning, new research suggests.
New Rx Effectively Treated People With Inherited High Cholesterol
For some people, lifestyle changes are enough to lower cholesterol levels. But for those with a genetic condition that raises cholesterol, the solution isn't so simple. A new medication may help these patients.
Generic Statins May Be More Beneficial Than Brand Names
Generic statins may have more going for them than just being cheaper. Patients may be more likely to take them as directed, and they may keep patients healthier than brand names.
Diabetes May Affect Young and Old Differently
Diabetes affects millions in the US. But new research suggests that it may affect patients in different ways.
Rx Could Cut Diabetes Complications
A first-of-its-kind study examined the potential relationship between taking statins, prescription medicines that treat high cholesterol, and diabetes complications like vision loss and kidney damage.
Overall US Dietary Quality Remained Low
Since 2000, US officials have made several policy changes in nutrition and proper food processing. But a new study found that, despite government efforts to promote proper diet, eating habits in the US remained a national concern.
New Cholesterol Guidelines May Mean Fewer Cardiac Events
Cholesterol guidelines released last year made many more people eligible for medicine to lower their cholesterol. Now, fewer people are experiencing heart problems and related death, new research suggests.
Rx May Ease Heart Trouble for Patients With Diabetes
Fenofibrate may help lower blood fat in those with unhealthy cholesterol levels. While the medicine has been shown to help men with diabetes, it may also improve heart health in women.