HematologyInfo Center
Does Your Blood Type Indicate Stroke Risk?
Some individuals may be at a higher risk of stroke simply by nature of their blood type. Those with blood type AB may be at an increased risk of stroke regardless of other factors.
Hiding in Plain Sight - Old Drug, New Use
Finding new uses for existing drugs has taken on new emphasis of late. With advanced technology making it easier to test for "new" benefits in existing drugs, medical researchers may have hit a home run with an old antibiotic.
Apixaban Fails to Reduce Blood Clots
An experimental drug designed to aid severely ill patients after hospitalization is not more effective than standard treatments for reducing the risk of blood clots, a study has confirmed.
First Cord Blood Product Gets FDA Stamp of Approval
For the first time, U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials have given the green light to an umbilical cord blood product that could be used in stem cell transplants for patients with blood cancer, or metabolic or immune disorders.
Some Drugs are Easier to Stick with Than Others
So you have to take a pill every day. It's saving your life, but doing anything every single day for the rest of your life is daunting. Recent research looked at which medications leukemia patients take more faithfully.
These Genes are Made for Returning
Genes are continuing to be the superheroes of treatment breakthroughs. A new study has discovered a gene linked to leukemia coming back in younger patients.
These Chemo Treatments Make a Great Team
Teaming up with a partner makes any difficult task easier. When therapies team up even the difficult task of dealing with an incurable disease is made easier.
Horizon Brightening for Lymphoma
Just because something works in mice, doesn't mean it will work in humans. That being said, a new mouse study holds out hope for a new therapy for lymphoma.
Researchers have identified two molecules that are better killers of lymphoma than existing therapies. These findings, if they hold true for humans, could lead to new cancer therapies.
Ask your doctor about the very latest science relating to lymphoma therapies.
First author Hye-Ra Lee, Ph.D., a research fellow in the Department of Molecular Microbiology & Immunology at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of So...
Drug May Prevent Hemophilia Bleeds
A common drug that stops bleeding in patients with severe hemophilia, a rare bleeding disorder in which the blood doesn't clot normally, may also be able to prevent such bleeds altogether.
Discovering Sickle Cell Therapies
For sickle cell disease patients, even everyday events can be difficult because of debilitating pain episodes and chronic organ damage. A trigger for producing normal red blood cells could lead to a treatment.