Esophageal CancerInfo Center
Is a PET Scan the Right Option for You?
For cancer survivors, vigilance is a key part of remaining cancer free. But new evidence suggests one cancer detection tool is being overused — and that isn’t helping anyone.
What Aspirin Might Do for GI Cancer Patients
A common medication may help some cancer patients live longer, new evidence suggests.
Smoking Might Be Even More Dangerous Than You Think
There are countless reasons to quit smoking. And new data may add 12 more reasons to the list.
Esophageal Cancer: What Happens After 5 Years
Reaching the five-year milestone after surgery to treat esophageal cancer is cause for celebration. And many patients may be reaching this milestone.
Cancer Screening May Benefit Diabetes Patients
Diabetes patients may need to take extra precautions to lower their risk for cancer or catch it early.
FDA Approves Combo Treatment for Stomach, GE Junction Adenocarcinoma
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today approved a new combination treatment for patients with advanced or metastatic gastric (stomach) or gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma.
Aspirin May Decrease Cancer Risk
Aspirin is one of the cheapest and most common medicines available. Regular use of aspirin has been linked to lower risk of heart problems, but it may also help prevent other serious conditions.
Smoking Plus Drinking: A Cancerous Mix for the Esophagus
Drinking alcohol and smoking are often vices that go together. That combination of vices also may also except when discussing the risk for esophageal cancer.
Treatment Lowered Cancer Risk of Barrett’s Esophagus
Barrett's esophagus is more than a bad case of indigestion. In fact, it can even lead to cancer. But a new study shows a promising treatment that may greatly reduce that risk.
Avoiding Cancer with Barrett's Esophagus
Barrett's esophagus occurs when cells of the esophagus change over time to resemble cells of the intestine, and the condition can put patients at risk of cancer. Researchers have found that one type of medication may lower this risk.