Cervical CancerInfo Center
Robotic Surgery: Separating Reality from Hype
Robotic surgery sounds so high tech. But are these surgeries better than conventional methods? What should a woman know about robotic surgery if she's having a hysterectomy?
Whole Body Matters in Cervical Cancer
An increased risk for cervical cancer may be found in women who have a combination of other health concerns. Fortunately, a healthy diet and exercise can help.
Rx May Lengthen Life with Cervical Cancer
Good news has been released for women whose cervical cancer has spread, returned or no longer responds to therapy. A drug used for a number of different cancers may help these women live longer.
Pap Smears For More Than The Cervix?
Ovarian and uterine cancer cells can trickle down to the cervix and show up on a routine Pap smear. In the future, this additional cancer screening may be part of a normal exam.
No Need to Over-Screen
Cervical cancer rates are so low in certain groups, the medical community no longer recommends bothering with routine screening. But in groups at risk, screening rates should be higher.
Ladies with Lupus Skipping Paps
For women under 30, yearly screening is one of the best ways to detect cervical cancer. Unfortunately, many women with lupus - a condition linked to cervical problems - may be skipping out on screening.
Screening for DES Daughters
Regular cervical screenings are never a bad idea - especially for ladies born between 1947-1971, if their moms were given diethylstilbestrol to prevent miscarrying or premature birth.
New School Vs. Old School Paps
What type of Pap smear do gynecologists use? If the sampling method is the same, a patient may not know what type of lab techniques are used to search for cervical cancers.
Better, Cheaper, Simpler Test
For women who have been treated for cervical cancer, the most accurate follow-up test might also be the cheapest. The simpler test checks for the cure rather than the disease.
Getting Cancer Screened
Cervical cancer is a great example of something that can be prevented with regular screening. Early, mild to severe abnormal cells on the cervix can be easily detected and treated.