Health News
Obesity's Role in Newborn Fat Mass
Parents play a crucial part in keeping their children healthy. For mothers, that influence starts when their baby is in the womb.
FDA and EPA Update Advice on Eating Fish
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today updated advice for pregnant women and young children about eating fish.
FDA Issues Advice on Eating Fish
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today issued draft updated advice on fish consumption.
Vitamin C Eased the Wheeze of Pregnant Smokers' Babies
What's good for moms-to-be tends to be good for their unborn children. What's not good for mom, like smoking tobacco, also tends not to be good for babies. There may be an easy way to undo some of the damage.
Adequate Iodine Essential for Moms
Taking prenatal vitamins is important for all pregnant and breastfeeding women. But even these supplements may not give women enough iodine.
Heavy Moms Had More Babies with Breathing Issues
Pregnant women who are severely overweight may face a number of risks to their own health. But it's not only these heavy mothers who are put at risk; that extra weight also may be harmful to their baby.
Unhealthy Air Around Pregnant Mothers Tied to Child's Asthma
The foods that a woman eats during pregnancy can have a huge impact on her baby's development, both before and after birth. The quality of air that a pregnant woman breathes may be equally important to her baby's health.
Circumcision Complications Rate Clarified
Male circumcision is currently regarded as a procedure that parents can choose for their sons but which is not routinely recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Surprising Facts About Modern Mothers
Starting in 1914, every second Sunday of May has been dedicated to the celebration of motherhood, yet the profile of a typical mother has changed dramatically since the holiday’s inception.
Many Parents Not Following Safe Sleep Practices for Babies
One of the most frightening concerns of parents with new babies is sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS. But safe sleeping practices can reduce the risk of SIDS.