Health News
Five Neurosurgery Treatments to Question
In an effort to connect doctors and patients, the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation puts out updated recommendations on the best treatment options. The latest installation of the ABIM Choosing Wisely series focuses on neurology.
It Might Be More Than Epilepsy
Epilepsy is a neurological condition in which individuals experience seizures. But often children with epilepsy have other health concerns as well.
Wait and Watch Approach May Be Better for AVM
Sometimes, treating a patient may lead to worse outcomes than if the patient was not treated. When it comes to tangled vessels in the brain, this may be one of those times.
Experts Issue Statement on Medical Marijuana
Thus far, 21 states and the District of Columbia have approved medical marijuana use to relieve symptoms of various illnesses. That substance may help some, but not all, people with brain diseases.
Epilepsy Meds for Kids Go Head to Head
Different medications exist that might effectively treat seizures in children with epilepsy. The best way to find out which ones work best is to compare them to one another.
Hidden Risks of Harm for Epileptics
Broken bones and burns are often common injuries among children and teens. But some kids may be at greater risk than others for injury, such as those with epilepsy.
Mood-Stabilizing Rx Tied to Lower Risk of Some Cancers
Mood-stabilizing medications are used to treat mental or neurological conditions, but a new study suggested that one of these medications might have an unexpected effect — preventing cancer.

Dangers of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Binge drinking, especially over the course of several years, can come with severe health consequences. Here’s a list of some of the consequences of drinking too much alcohol.
Balancing Pregnancy and Epilepsy
Women with epilepsy usually need to take medications to treat the condition even while they are pregnant. But how do those medications affect their developing babies?
Tips For Women With Epilepsy Who May Get Pregnant
Two recent studies offered new insight for women who take medications for epilepsy on how to reduce their baby's risk for birth defects and whether breastfeeding is recommended.