Health News
Mindfulness and Autism
Autism is a lifelong developmental disorder that can affect a person in many areas, including his or her mental health.
Veterans at Risk
Veterans with substance abuse and posttraumatic stress have a higher risk of dying from both injury and health related issues. How can treatment programs address both issues at once?
You Can't Play!
If you have ever worked with children, you have probably witnessed an upsetting incident of a group of children excluding a peer.
Knowing Stress Is Half the Battle
The rates of post traumatic stress disorder can vary significantly by nationality. More concerning are the rates of those with PTSD not receiving treatment.
Mood Kept In Order With Exercise
It's been well established that muscles get stronger and the heart gets pumping with exercise. And as far as dealing with emotions, exercise continues to help people keep calm and collected.
Can Re-Runs Re-Charge Us?
Doesn’t watching TV make people couch potatoes? But it feels so good to sit and chill out for a while. Maybe it’s not all bad and there’s something to enjoying the occasional re-run.
We Can Still Do More for Veterans
As the suicide rate in the military climbs, the Veterans Administration is looking for ways to improve suicide prevention for veterans. An expert from the Mayo Clinic points out more ways to improve prevention of military suicides.
Mental Health Meds and Driving Risks
Medications prescribed for common mental health conditions can be incredibly important treatment options. However, they come with risks as well.
Alcohol’s Contribution to Anxiety
Anxiety disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affect the lives of many people. These people frequently turn to alcohol consumption to deal with the pain. However, alcohol may just be making it worse.
Take a Break From Violent TV News Images
Were you glued to the TV in the days after 9/11? If you found it hard to tear yourself away from the grim, upsetting images, they might have had a long-term impact on your health.