Your Diet & ADHD
There is still some dispute over this diet, as many studies do not support Feingold’s research. Whether or not the Feingold diet improves ADHD symptoms, one thing is certain: this diet eliminates many processed foods in favor of fresh, healthy foods. These positive diet changes generally promote better long term health. The behavioral management strategies used by parents to change a child’s eating behavior may also be similar to techniques used to improve concentration in children with ADHD.
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Review Date:
June 12, 2015Citation:
Image courtesy of Marilyn Barbone | Image courtesy of Tommato | Image courtesy of Monika Adamczyk | Image courtesy of Yann Poirier | Image courtesy of Kineticimagery | Image courtesy of Godfer | Image courtesy of Airborne77 | Image courtesy of Mreco99 | Image courtesy of Stephen Vanhorn | Pediatrics, "The Diet Factor in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder", "Your Child's Diet: A Cause and a Cure of ADHD?" Yale Scientific, "Does Sugar Really Make Children Hyper?" Archives of Disease in Childhood, "The effects of a double blind, placebo controlled, artificial food colourings and..." NCBI, "Sodium benzoate-rich beverage consumption is associated with increased reporting of ADHD symptoms in college students..." Feingold, "What is the Feingold Diet?" Feingold, "Salicylates and the Feingold Program" NIMH, "What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?" Kids Health, "What is ADHD?" Help Guide, "Adult ADD / ADHD"
Last Updated:
June 12, 2015