What You Need to Know About Concussion
A concussion is considered a ‘mild’ form of TBI because it is not usually life threatening. However, the effects of a concussion can still be serious and last for several days, weeks or even longer. As simple as it may sound, the main treatment option for a concussion is plenty of rest. In this case, rest means much more than sleep alone. You should avoid visual and sensory stimuli, including video games and loud music. Additionally, experts recommend that concussion patients gradually ease into mental tasks that require significant amounts of concentration such as reading. The brain will slowly heal itself overtime, and symptoms often resolve within a week. Be sure to discuss any symptoms with your doctor and seek care if you notice symptoms worsening.
University of Dallas Center for Brain Health, “Concussion” CDC, “Concussion in Sports and Play: Get the Facts” University of Pittsburgh, “Concussions” Journal of Head Trauma Rehabillitation, “The Epidemiology and Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury” Pediatrics, “Clinical Report--Sport-Related Concussion in Children and Adolescents” Mayo Clinic, “Concussion” Cleveland Clinic, “Concussion” Mayo Clinic, “Post-concussion syndrome” Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, “When a minor head injury results in enduring symptoms: a prospective invest Stanford School of Medicine, “Stanford Epilepsy Center” Mayo Clinic, “Epilepsy” Ohio State University, “How a Concussion Can Lead to Depression Years Later” American Academy of Pediatrics, “Children with brain injuries nearly twice as likely to suffer from depression” Center for Advancing Health, “Teen Concussions Increase Risk for Depression” American Academy of Neurology, “After a Concussion, Which Teens Will Have Emotional Symptoms?” The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, “Facts About Concussions” Boston University, “Frequently Asked Questions about Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy” Courtesy of Maxim Samasiuk | Dreamstime Courtesy of Yobro10 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Craig ONeal, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Vesna Njagulj | Dreamstime Courtesy of Ellobo1 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Photographerlondon | Dreamstime Courtesy of Alexander Raths | Dreamstime Courtesy of Tyler Olson | Dreamstime Courtesy of Alon Othnay | Dreamstime Courtesy of Sebastian Kaulitzki | Dreamstime