The Role of Gender in Mental Health

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a debilitating chronic disease affecting cognitive functioning. The condition is estimated to affect over 5 million Americans. Research suggests that women are at a greater risk for Alzheimer’s than men. Female patients show more severe early changes to cells in certain parts of the brain and experience more severe white matter damage than male patients. Despite this, men with Alzheimer’s have a higher risk of death than women, suggesting that the underlying mechanisms for the disease may affect men and women differently. While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, and the direct cause remains unknown, research is beginning to find some clues. People with rheumatoid arthritis have a reduced risk for Alzheimer’s, and a recent study found that a protein released due to rheumatoid arthritis helped slow Alzheimer’s course and even reversed memory impairment in mice. Talk with your doctor if you have been having issues with memory or judgement, especially if you are over the age of 65.

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Review Date: 
April 11, 2014

Last Updated:
July 1, 2014