Gum in Your Stomach for 7 Years? Think Again...
If you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, you’ve likely had people ask you, “How do you get enough protein?” It’s common belief that vegetarians might have a hard time consuming the necessary nutrients a body needs to stay healthy, but according to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, “Most vegetarian diets meet or exceed dietary recommendations for protein.”
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Review Date:
April 2, 2014Citation:
JAMA, “Medical Conspiracy Theories and Health Behaviors in the United States” National Cancer Institute, “Cell Phones and Cancer Risk” Ohio State University, “MEDICAL MYTHBUSTERS - DOES GUM REALLY STAY IN YOUR STOMACH FOR 7 YEARS?” MedlinePlus, “Hyperactivity and sugar” Yale Scientific, “Does Sugar Really Make Children Hyper?” The New York Times, “The Claim: Never Swim After Eating” Wikipedia, “Fan Death” Slate, “Is Your Electric Fan Trying to Kill You?” EPA, “Excessive Heat Events Guidebook in Brief” CNN, “Medical myths don't die easily” CDC, “Autism” Wikipedia, “Water Fluoridation” National Cancer Institute, “Fluoridated Water” The Washington Post, “Genetically modified foods: What is and isn’t true” The New York Times, “'You'll Catch Your Death!' An Old Wives' Tale? Well . . .” Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, “True or False: Cracking Your Knuckles Can Lead to Arthritis” RxWiki, “Rifampicin” Mayo Clinic, “Birth control” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, “Physical fitness and vegetarian diets: is there a relation?” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, “Vitamin C for preventing and treating the common cold.” Courtesy of Jonathan Ross | Dreamstime Courtesy of Oleksandr Pakhay | Dreamstime Courtesy of Suzanne Tucker | Dreamstime Courtesy of Martinmark | Dreamstime By Shuhrataxmedo, via Wikimedia Commons By Alex Khimich, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Itsmejust | Dreamstime Courtesy of Czuber | Dreamstime Courtesy of B2t | Dreamstime Courtesy of Subbotina | Dreamstime Courtesy of Jovani Carlo Gorospe | Dreamstime Courtesy of Fmua | Dreamstime Courtesy of Dave Bredeson | Dreamstime Courtesy of Wavebreakmedia Ltd | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
July 1, 2014