Katti Gray

Katti Gray is a prize-winning, veteran journalist, specializing in criminal justice, education and health. As a health reporter, she has covered wide-ranging topics: From medical care for incarcerated women to Memphis, Tennessee’s efforts to move out of the No. 1 slot as the nation’s most overweight city, from poor children's over-consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages to the role of patient navigators in improving health care for cancer patients in under-resourced communities.
She has been a fellow of, among others, the National Institutes of Health: Medicine in Media and the National Press Foundation Cancers Issues projects.
She is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, Association of Health Care Journalists, National Association of Black Journalists, New York Association of Black Journalists and National Writers Union. She runs New York University’s Urban Journalism Workshop and has been an adjunct journalism professor at Columbia University and Long Island University’s Brooklyn campus.