Contributing Experts
Charlotte Howard, PhD

Charlotte Howard, PhD attended Middlebury College in Vermont and was one of two people granted permission to create her own major, which she called "Therapy as a Synthesis of Mind, Body, Spirit, & Sense of Place." This major combined modern dance, environmental studies, literature, psychology, and religion, providing a foundation for her holistic and multidimensional therapy approach.
Dr. Howard received a full fellowship to graduate school in Counseling Psychology, only awarded to a handful per year of the thousands of graduate students at the University of Iowa. While receiving her doctorate, she taught movement improvisation and Authentic Movement, a therapeutic movement form, in the dance department. She also taught Developmental Psychology and saw clients for therapy in several schools and Universities, and one Women's Resource & Action Center. Her internship was at the University of Texas Counseling & Mental Health Center working with college and graduate students and taking referrals from the physicians at the Health Center to address physical health issues that are tied to mental health, such as eating disorders, headaches, tension, panic attacks, digestive problems (such as irritable bowel syndrome), sleep disorders, and chronic pain. In addition to her Ph.D., Dr. Howard also received 5 years of training in holistic healing at the Jaffe Institute for Spiritual & Medical Healing. This training provides the basis for the existential work she does, as well as allowing her to easily incorporate clients' spiritual lives into their healing process when they request it. It also provided a unique perspective that she combined with my psychology background in the writing of my self-help book for couples: Awaken to Love.
For the past 7 years she has been a licensed psychologist in Austin, TX, in private practice providing individual, couples, and group psychotherapy. Dr. Howard is one of only 14 psychologists in Austin to be board certified in group psychotherapy and absolutely loves her work.