Health News
HPV Vaccine Guidelines Get Thumbs Up
The American Cancer Society (ACS) has given its endorsement to updated human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination guidelines.

What You Need to Know About the HPV Vaccine
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about how women can protect themselves from HPV and cervical cancer.
Preventing HIV with a Pill
A single pill could soon become an important tool in the fight against HIV.
Breathe Easy, Parents: Vaccine Not Tied to More STDs
Some parents have raised concerns that vaccinating young girls against HPV, a sexually transmitted illness, might lead to more unsafe sexual activity in these girls. New evidence, however, suggests that's not the case — and the vaccine could prevent serious health problems.
A Clean Vaccine
It's a clean vaccine — the HPV shot doesn't appear to raise patients' risk of nervous system diseases.
Recommendations to Reduce STDs Focus on Teens, At-Risk Adults
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) continue to be a major health concern. New recommendations call for more measures to address this problem.
Specialist Spotlight: Urology
The word "urology" is a familiar one, but for many, knowledge about what exactly a urologist does and the conditions they treat might be lacking.

How Sex Affects Your Health
Sex is a complex topic that has many implications for both mental and physical health. Whether or not you are actively engaged in a sexual relationship, it is important to be knowledgeable about the various ways that sex can affect you. Here are some of the more significant ways that sex can benefit and complicate your health.
HPV Vaccine Wards Off Warts
Cervarix, the HPV vaccine used to help prevent infection with the human papillomavirus that can lead to cervical cancer, may have an unexpected benefit.
Mama's Boys and the HPV Vaccine
A vaccine is available to help reduce the risk of girls getting cancer later in life. This same vaccine is also available for boys. New research suggests a boy’s mother plays a significant role in whether or not he gets the vaccine.